Yo yo!
Oh my god oh my god!
Blog is dying without usual taggers!
Come back Cheryl!
Come back Darren!
Come back Yee Boon!
Today Chemistry got Alkane test.
I got the same score as what I got for my Fuel test narx!
Must jia you more!
Clive got 90%.
Highest in our class!
Gratz! =]
Next week got Alkene test.
Do remember to study for it oh.
Heh heh.
Tommorrow is School 27th Anniversary le.
And cum Vesak Day Celebration.
So school got event at 3.30PM.
3.30PM is the arrival of the VIP.
So our dear Eldon, will open the car door for the VIP.
Like what the guys always did during NDP for the President narx.
Then I got band performance.
Our class NCC boys are stagecrew.
Mei Mei and Cheryl are prize winner.
Early congrats 1st.
Hmm.. Hope tommorrow's event will be a memorable one for everyone in MJR ba.
~KaiXun =]